DJ CHEF "The Chef That Rocks!"
DJ CHEF "The Chef That Rocks!" is an entertainment company based in New York, NY.
DJ CHEF "The Chef That Rocks!" is the only entertainer who simultaneously cooks & DJs for special events, tradeshows, food festivals & private parties worldwide. Food Network Cutthroat Kitchen Champion DJ CHEF makes any event fun, unique, Interactive & msot of all MEMORABLE! For larde scale events; conferences, holiday parties , food Festivals & corporate events that are "mix & mingle" DJ CHEF DJs the event while serving up a tantalizing tasting! For smalllet events & private parties DJ CHEF can preapre the whoel meal. For a stage event setting DJ CHEF is the "glue" that keeps the event up beat & fresh by DJing (in betweeen bands or other chefs) , MCing, helping with announcements/ judging cooking competitions or raffles & acutions He also is great at hosting food challenges & Cooking Competitions!! Booking requests @ Follow @djchefrocks on instagram' & facebook.